Martin Gude, Stefan M. Grünvogel and Andreas Pütz (2008)
In: Tscheligi, M., Obrist, M. and Lugmayr, A. (edt.), Changing Television Environments, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5066, pp. 117-121, Springer Verlag
Recommender systems are a means of personalisation providing their users with personalised recommendations of items that would possibly suit the users needs. They are used in a broad area of contexts where items are somehow linked to users. The creation of recommendations of interactive live TV suers from several inherent problems, e.g. the impossibility to foresee the contents of the next items or the reactions of the user to the changing programme.
This paper proposes an algorithm for building personalised streams within interactive live TV. The development of the algorithm comprises a basic model for users and media items. A rst preliminary evaluation of the alogithm is executed and the results discussed.