Liliana Vega, Stefan M. Grünvogel and Stéphane Natkin (2004)
In: Mehdi, Q. and Gough, N. (edt.), Proceedings of the CGAIDE’2004, Fifth Game-On International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, pp. 109-113


We propose a new formal approach for the design process of computer games, which involves the modeling of spatiotemporal relationships. Logical and temporal transactions are modeled using Petri Nets and topological relationships of the game universe by hypergraphs. For splicing these structures, we introduce connections which relate hyperedge replacement with the reach ability tree of the Petri Net. By using these constructs flexible changes and the validation of certain properties of the missions can be accomplished.

A new Methodology for Spatiotemporal Game Design
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